Hansard's bread and butter: our language and dialect group

At Hansard, we often describe our job as translating from the spoken word to the written word. This post describes our efforts to accurately represent language and dialects in print.
At Hansard, we often describe our job as translating from the spoken word to the written word. This post describes our efforts to accurately represent language and dialects in print.
The team who provided the BSL interpretation for PMQs during its pilot period share their experiences.
Sally Freestone, Deputy Director Parliamentary Broadcasting, explains how the Parliamentary Broadcasting Unit is working to make proceedings more accessible.
There are many little things that go on behind the scenes at Parliament that are vital to the smooth running of business, and this post focuses on how we at Hansard meet the demands of reporting the Welsh language.
Laura, a parliamentary reporter who grew up in Scotland, describes how listening to Scottish words and accents reminds her of home.
After working as a translator in Argentina, Guy Mathers became a Hansard reporter, turning his hand to a different sort of translation—from the spoken word to the written. He tells us why 16 November is a special day.